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\Macleaya cordata\
#fyellow Macleaya cordata #d(mak-LAY-ya) (Bocconia cordata)
36" - 48+"
Native to China and Japan.
#fyellow Family:#d Papaveraceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Weed control (crowds out smaller plants),
Background plant. Perennial border.
A vigorously growing plant with fig leaf shaped leaves, 8" wide,
grayish-white underneath. The cream-colored to pinkish flowers
bloom on long stems in a plumelike clusters. Plant in full sun
or filtered shade. Grows in average soil, but needs ample water.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Divisions and seeds. Divide plants in
the spring. Sow seeds in place in the garden in the spring.
Keep moist until germination.
\Malva alcea\
#fyellow Malva alcea #d(MAL-va)
36" - 48+".
Native to Europe.
#fyellow Family:#d Malvaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Perennial border, quick tall edging.
The plant is somewhat bushy with roundish leaves. The white to
pinkish flower are 2" wide, blooming in the summer. Plant in
full sun. Not particular to soil, but needs good drainage.
Average watering. These plants are not long lived.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Divisions and seeds. Easy to cultivate
and can be divided in the spring or fall. Seeds germinate
readily in the spring.
\Matthiola incana\
#fyellow Matthiola incana #d(mat-i-O-la)
36" - 48+".
Native to Southeastern Europe.
#fyellow Family:#d Cruciferae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual - technically a perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Fragrance, borders, background plant, cut
The leaves are elongated, 4" long. The flowers are single or
double, 1" across, in clusters on spikes. Can bloom in the
spring or winter, depending when they are planted. Flower colors
are: white, pink, red, purple, lavender and cream. Plant in full
sun. Prefers a light, rich soil, good drainage, and a cool
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Seeds are sown in the summer or
fall for winter bloom, in the late winter indoors for spring
\Mimulus hybridus\
#fyellow Mimulus hybridus #d(MIM-yew-lus)
Monkey flower.
18" - 36".
#fyellow Family:#d Scrophulariaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Near pools or ponds, shady areas, edging,
The succulent dark green leaves are glossy and usually sticky.
Flowers are tubular, 2" - 2½" across. The blooming period is
long - spring. The flower colors are: ivory to yellow, orange,
red, scarlet, often with brownish spotting. Plant in shade or
filtered shade. Needs a soil high in organic matter. Prefers
regular watering, but is drought resistant.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Sow seeds indoors in the winter.
Cover lightly, keep moist and maintain soil temperature around 70
degrees. Seeds germinate in 1 - 2 weeks. Transplant out in the
15" - 18" apart.
\Mirabilis jalapa\
#fyellow Mirabilis jalapa #d(my-RAB-il-is)
Common four-o'clock, Four-o'clock.
36" - 48+".
Native to topical America.
#fyellow Family:#d Nyctaginaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Dry situations, specimen, foreground border.
The flowers are funnel-shaped, 1" - 2" long. The plant has a
shrubby character, with oval, deep green leaves, 2" - 6" long.
Flowers bloom in summer. The flowers colors are: shades of red,
yellow and white. Plant in full sun. Not particular to soil.
Drought tolerant once established.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Divisions and seeds. Plants can be
divided in the fall, stored and replanted in the spring. Sow
seeds in place in the garden in the spring, keep moist. Reseeds
#fyellow Muscari #d(mus-KAY-ri)
4" - 18".
Grape hyacinth.
Native from Asia minor to Southern Europe.
#fyellow Family:#d Liliaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Bulb
#fyellow Uses:#d Naturalizing, mass plantings under trees,
The narrow leaves are lance shaped. The flowers are borne on
spikes in a tight cluster. Flowers bloom in the spring. The
flower colors are: blue, white, greenish brown, lilac. Not
particular to soil, but needs a well draining soil. Drought
tolerant. This plant reseeds readily and will even increase in
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division. The bulbs become dormant in
the fall when are dug up and divided by removing bulb offsets.
Plant bulbs 2" deep and 3" apart.
\Myosotis sylvatica\
#fyellow Myosotis sylvatica #d(my-o-SO-tis)
Woodland foget-me-not.
10" - 14".
Native to Europe and Asia.
#fyellow Family:#d Boraginaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Mass plantings, carpet under taller plants or
The small profuse ½" flowers, are true blue, but there are
varieties available in pink and white. The leaves are soft and
hairy, ½" - 2" long, grow tightly long the stems. Blooms in the
spring. Plant in shade or filtered shade. Not particular to
soil, but needs ample water.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Sow seeds indoors in the winter. Cover
seeds, keep moist and place in dark place until germination.
Maintain soil temperature around 65 - 75 degrees. Seeds
germinate in 2 - 3 weeks.
#fyellow Narcissus #d(nar-SIS-us)
Narcissus, Daffodil, Jonquil.
6" - 14".
Native to Europe and North Africa.
#fyellow Family:#d Amaryllidaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Bulb
#fyellow Uses:#d Naturalization, drifts, under trees, mixed
borders, beneath ground cover, in lawns, rock garden, cut
flowers,container (one season).
Most people are familiar with narcissus and daffodils, yet few
realize the immense number of varieties and cultivars in this
group. Flowers bloom in the late winter and spring. The flower
colors are: yellow, orange, red, apricot, pink, cream, white and
multicolors. These beautiful and diversified plants are grouped
into 11 main divisions. They are as follows:
Division 1 - Trumpet Narcissus. 1 flower on a stem; trumpet or
corona as long or longer than the surrounding flower segment.
Division 2 - Large-cupped Narcissus. 1 flower to a stem; cup
or corona more than 1/3 , but less than equal to length of the
surrounding flower segment.
Division 3 - Small-cupped Narcissus. 1 flower to a stem; cup
or corona not more than 1/3 the length of the surrounding
flower segment.
Division 4 - Doubled Narcissus.
Division 5 - Triandrus Narcissus. 2 - 6 flowers to a stem.
Cup or corona at least 2/3 the length of the surrounding flower
Division 6 - Cyclamineus Narcissus. 1 flower to a stem. Early
bloom. The surrounding flower segment is recurved, as though
facing a strong head wind.
Division 7 - Jonquilla Narcissus. 2 - 4 fragrant flowers to a
stem. Foliage is usually rushlike.
Division 8 - Tazetta Narcissus. Hardy. 4 - 8 flowers to a
stem. Short fragrant coronas.
Division 9 - Poeticus Narcissus. Broad short corona in a
contrasting color.
Division 10 - Species and wild forms and wild hybrids. N.
triandrus, N. t. albus.
Division 11 - All Narcissus not falling into the other
divisions. Important to specialists.
These plants are not hard to grow. Plant in shade, filtered
shade or full sun. Not particular to soil. Drought resistant if
winter rains are adequate. If not, water only during the growing
and blooming period.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division and seeds. Dig up and divide
the clumps in the fall. Take only those bulbs that break away
easily. Plant 3" - 6" deep. Species can be grown from seed, but
varieties and cutivars do not come true. Seeds should be planted
in the fall so they can be moist-chilled (stratified) over
winter. May take several years before plants bloom from seed.
\Nemesia strumosa\
#fyellow Nemesia strumosa #d(nem-EE-sia) Pouch nemesia.
10" - 18".
Native to South Africa.
#fyellow Family:#d Scrophulariaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Container, edging, bulb cover.
The lance shaped leaves are 2" - 3" long. The irregular shaped
flowers, 1" across, are borne on 3" - 4" long spikes. Comes in
various shades of white, yellow, red ,purple and multicolor.
Blooms in the spring. Plant in full sun, in soil rich in organic
matter. Keep soil moist, but not soggy.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Sow seeds indoors in the winter.
Cover lightly, keep moist and maintain soil temperature 60 - 65
degree. Seeds germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.
\Nemophila menziesii\
#fyellow Nemophila menziesii #d(nem-OFF-ill-a)
6" - 10".
Native to California.
#fyellow Family:#d Hydrophyllaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Bulb cover, container, edging, bedding.
The flowers are cup-shaped, 1" across. The color is sky blue
with whitish centers. Plant in full sun or filtered shade. Not
particular to soil, but keep moist. Will reseed itself if
watered in early spring.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Sow (broadcast) seeds in place in
the garden in the late winter or early spring. Cover lightly,
and keep moist.
#fyellow Nicotiana #d(nik-o-shee-AY-na)
Flowering tobacco.
24" - 48+".
#fyellow Family:#d Solanaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual - technically a very tender perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Frangrance, plant with petunias, mixed border,
cut flower
The broad flaring flowers have 5 pointed lobes. Flowers grow in
semi clusters at the end of the stems. The leaves are large,
soft and oval. Blooms in the summer. Colors are: red, white,
greenish, pink and multicolor. Plant in full sun or filtered
shade. Not particular to soil. Average watering.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Sow seeds indoors in the spring.
Do not cover, keep moist and maintain soil temperature around 70
degrees. Seeds germinate in 1 - 2 weeks. Blooms 6 weeks from
seed. Transplant out into the 12" - 18" apart.
#fyellow Osteospermum #d(ost-ee-O-sperm-um)
African daisy.
18" - 36".
Native to South Africa.
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Borders, mixed plantings, slopes, areas that
generally get a lot of neglect.
These are spreading, mounded soft wooded shrubby plants. The
leaves can be different in size and shape from species to
species, generally 2" - 4" long, oval. The flowers are daisylike
and borne on long stems. They are only open during the day. The
flower colors are: lavender pink, yellow, white and purplish
blue. The plants bloom throughout the year. Plant in full sun
or filtered shade. Not particular to soil, but responds well to
good garden soil and average watering. Takes abuse and is
drought tolerant once established.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Cuttings. Cuttings are very easily to
root. Take cuttings anytime. Plant seed in place in the garden
or in flats in the spring or summer. Cover seeds lightly, keep
moist. Transplant or thin 15" - 30" apart.